

Now entering the ring, rescued springer # 9.

Ladies and gentlemen, please meet WINSTON.

This 2 year old male is loved by his mommy and daddy, Caryn and Bob, who adopted him October 4th, 1999. He was an owner relinquishment into ESRA's foster care program because he didn't get along with another dog in the home. His foster family fell in love and made him theirs permanently.

Winston lives with Baby Cat his feline companion and ESS buddies Buffy, Barney and Carly Sue and a plethora of other Springer Rescue fosters.

For attention, Winston likes to teach the foster dogs how to behave and use the dog door. He always has a chew toy in his mouth and hides them through out the house so one will never be far. He knows his family loves him because they don't yell at him when he's been playing in the rain and is standing on Mom's head full of mud.

Affectionately nicknamed "WINNY POOH", this is rescued springer #9, WINSTON.

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