Now entering the ring, rescued springer # 7.
Ladies and gentlemen, please meet DISNEY.
This 10 year old male is loved by his mommy and daddy, Yang-Yang and Kevin, who adopted him September 26th, 1999. Formerly known as Red, this big guy was an owner relinquishment into ESRA's foster care program. His previous owner was moving and gave ESRA 2 weeks to find him a home or she'd have him euthanized.
Disney lives with his rabbit friend named, Puffy and 2 guinea pigs named Chocolate and Snowball.
For attention, Disney maintains his mellow charm and good manners. He knows his family loves him by the long walks they take him on so he can sniff the mole holes.
Affectionately nicknamed "GO-ZAI" which means "doggie" in Chinese, this is rescued springer #7, DISNEY.