Now entering the ring, rescued springer # 16.
Ladies and gentlemen, please meet JEREMY.
This 2 year old male is loved by his daddy, Jim, who adopted him on March 30th, 2000. Formerly known as Teddy, this sweet guy was found wandering the streets of Santa Ana. He was rescued from the Santa Ana City Shelter one day before his scheduled euthanization and adopted in less than 24 hours after coming into ESRA's foster care program.
Jeremy shares his home with Sophie, a 10 year old Maine Coon cat, hates thunderstorms, loves looking in the mirror and refuses to walk on black marble floors.
For attention, he jumps up and gives hugs and sneaks into bed in the middle of the night. He knows he is loved by the hugs he receives, early morning runs he goes on and praise and attention lavished upon him.
Affectionately nicknamed "BIG GUY", this is rescued springer #16, JEREMY.